Situation - Sommarshowen


Kul att man hör när vi skriker på flertal ställen.
Kul att han sjunger fel på flertal ställen.
Kul att jag dog som fan.

Jag vet att jag varit sjukt dålig på att uppdatera, men bilderna från källängen kommer imorgon. Då ska jag försöka få upp allt.
Jag har bara inte orkat. Sovit hela dagarna.

Download festival 2009

Jävla helvets fan, att vi inte bor i England? Typ ja.

Bring me the horizon ft Travis Mccoy

I sommar. <3

Rookie of the year

' H3h. Jag hittade ett nytt band idag. Blev lite förälskad.

Rookie of the year - The weekend

Rookie of the year - Liars and battlelines

Escape the fate, live @ Chain reaction.

Oh herregud, jag vill se dem.

Oh herregud, nu vill ja se dem even more.

BMTH US Tour Teaser pt.2/2

Jag kommer lätt att köpa DVD:n.

(hela fick inte plats, vet inte vrf den blev så stor)

Nevershoutnever! Secret Show -Yourealltalk and Shesgotstyle

Förlåt för allt Nevershoutnever-spam. Men han är så härlig. Hahah!

NeverShoutNever! - StuckOnYou

Förlåt, men jag älskar den låten.

Nevershoutnever - Losing it

The Story Behind "Losing It" As Told By: Christofer Drew

"Once up a time...when I was sixteen years old I dated a girl.
She was beautiful and very experienced. I was in love about a week and a half into it.
Although I had never been in love I was certain. The months rolled on and we grew closer and closer.
We shared so many memories and laughs. I had never gotten past first base with a girl before...although; I found myself diving deeper and deeper into the sexual world.
Therefore, I grew more attached. About 9 months had past. We had spent so many amazing nights together, told each-other everything to know, and I had lost my virginity
to her shortly after the ninth month. I was absolutely certain that I wanted to spend forever in this love trance. But a rude awakening snapped me out of it.
One of my closest friends told me that she had slept with one of my "pals" from the tennis team in the last week. I was in disbelief until my "pal" confessed that it was fact.
As the days rolled on I found out the truth. She had slept with over 10 people during our relationship. I was mortified and heart-broken for the longest time.
From that day forward I wanted to write songs to bring people joy. To help people that were as miserable as I was.
The end."

- Christofer Drew (NSN)

TDWP top 15 breakdowns (2007)


Play the game by the rules even though they don't work in this world of liars and fakes.

' Imorgon skulle vi till Norrköping, men det blev inget. Fan! Det är ingen som hämtar oss, men tekniskt sett så skulle vi kunna åka iaf, jag menar, det var ingen som sa att vi inte fick åka, bara att vi inte har någon som hämtar. Vrf inte bara ta kvällståg hem lr något då? Regler är till för att brytas, man kan ju hitta ett vandrarhem att sova på oxå, till dagen efter. Why not?

"Now we reached the day when it all fell apart
and the day when the time stood all still."

Btw, Isabella. Det var faktiskt de som tutade på oss när vi hade hämtat biljetterna.
Titta här!

Goodbye my love, you're in my heart.

hey, so you may of heard, and the rumors are true. Curtis Ward is no longer a member of bring me the horizon. This decision has been a long time coming, and although everything can look fine from the outside, theres been a problem for a long time. Over the last year especially, our touring schedule has been crazy, we are hardly ever at home, and for curtis, this proved very hard. we could see that curtis wasn't enjoying this band like the other 4 of us were anymore. It was nothing personal it was a decision that wasn't made lightly, but one that we believe is best for the band's future and for curtis's life.

we wish curtis all the best in whatever he chooses to do in the future.

but no one fear! the band will not be splitting up, this is something that we did to prevent the band from splitting up. we will still be doing all our future tours, currently finishing up taste of chaos with our good friend and guitar tech dean, who also looks abit like donkey kong.

bring me the horizon


Det är inte sant? Jag ska förmodligen se Escape the fate.

Herbrightskies - Burn all the small towns, acoustic.

Snart är vi där.

' Nästa fredag står vi där och lyssnar. Jag längtar som in i helvete! Och nästa vecka måste gå fort annars kommer jag avlida.


Chemical vocation:


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